General Donations
Use this button to make a general, online donation:
We accept all major credit cards, ACH transfer, Paypal, and Venmo. You can donate once or set up a recurring transaction.
You can also support us through these networks:
Or, mail us a donation at any time:
California Freethought DayPO Box 1582Lodi, CA 95241-1582
Please make checks payable to "California Freethought Day" and include your contact information.
If you have another gift in mind, such as a stock transfer or bequest, please contact us and we'll be happy to work with you.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations made to California Freethought Day may be tax-deductible.
Businesses and Organizations
We encourage businesses and organizations to sponsor California Freethought Day, which includes recognition, exhibition space, tickets to our Supporters' Reception, and more.